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Myrtle, Missouri, County Rd 274, Myrtle, MO, 65778
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Myrtle, MO chapel

Myrtle, Missouri camp meeting! August 29 – September 1, 2025.

Welcome to the Myrtle, MO camp meeting!

10:30 am Morning Service
1:30 pm Young People and Children
7:00 pm Evening Service

The afternoons will be left open for young people’s/children’s services. Three meals served daily. This meeting is funded by free will offerings.

We extend a hearty invitation to everyone to come and desire the prayers of the saints for God’s special visitation and blessings on this meeting. Dormitories are available as well as a limited number of cabins. Camper/trailer hookups are available. There are six new 50-amp hookups and at least three older 30-amp hookups. There are also a few spots where 110-volt outlets can be used with adapters. If you are planning to come and bring a camper or motorhome, please notify us for a reservation. Tents can also be set up on the grounds.

In order to help with arrangements, we ask that the owners of cabin units please contact Sis. Carol Sorrell at 417-938-4493 or Sis. Janette Booher at 405-795-2978 and let them know whether or not you plan to come and use your cabin this year. You may also contact Bro. Harlan Sorrell at 417-938-4336, or by email at hsorrell@windstream.net; Bro. Jeremy Booher at 417-540-6927 or by email at 7jboohers@gmail.com.


August 29
September 1
Event Categories:
Harlan Sorrell
(417) 938-4336