He cares for us in the sense that He loves us. “The Father himself loveth you.” “I have loved thee with an everlasting love.” “God so loved the world.” He has a deep and abiding affection for every soul, and even when we stray away from Him into the depth of sin His heart yearns over us as a mother over her erring boy—only His love is stronger than a mother’s. He sends His servants out to seek the lost and His Spirit to plead with them. Sinner, He loves you. Though you have grieved Him and have repelled His Spirit over and over again, yet His eye beams with pity, His heart is tender with love, and His arms are outstretched toward you to welcome you to His em­brace.⁠
If He thus cares for the rebellious and neglectful sinner, how much does He care for His own obedient, loving children! How tender His love! Sometimes in a dark and troublesome hour, when His face seems hidden, we may feel as did the disciples when they cried out in their distress, “Carest thou not that we perish?” Ah, He did care. At once He arose and re­ buked the elements and brought the disciples safely to the land. Yea, He does care. “He careth for you.” His help may sometimes seem delayed, but it will come and just at the time to be most effective. In your joys and victories and seasons of refreshing He cares for you and also in the time of trial or persecu­tion—of heaviness and longing and of bitterness of soul. In it all He cares, and He will bring you through when He sees the soul refined and fitted for His pur­pose. “He careth for you.” Believe it. Let your soul exult in it and shout it aloud. Or if you can in your sorrow only whisper it, let your heart still say, “He loves and He cares. I will trust Him and be content.”⁠
Heart Talks by C. W. Naylor⁠
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“Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” I Peter 5:7. God cares for us in the sense of having a personal interest in us. We are the work of His hands, and as such He is interested in our pros­perity. He watches over the development of our lives; he notes every step of progress. The one who plants a flower, waters it, cares for it and watches the devel­opment of each tiny shoot and bud cares more for that flower and has a deeper interest in it than has the one who merely stops for a few minutes to ad­ mire its full-blown beauty and to enjoy its fragrance. To the one it is only one plant out of many, but to the other it has a special meaning and attraction and worth because its bloom and fragrance are the result of his labor, care and patience. It is his plant. So it is with God. He gave us our being; He has nourished and protected us and watched us develop day by day; He is interested in us and desires our lives to bloom and send forth a fragrance of trueness and purity all around. Let us so live that He will not be disappointed in us.⁠
He cares for us because He created us for His glory and to fill a place in His eternal kingdom. He created us not merely that we might have an exist­ence but for a purpose for Himself. He wants us to make a success of our lives not simply for our own advantage but to fill the place for which He created us for His purpose and glory. And because of this He will use every endeavor to help us succeed in our lives.⁠
Heart Talks by C. W. Naylor⁠
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It has no money. It is as poor as a pauper. It can­ not pay its way to the yearning, hungry souls that await its coming. It needs its way paid to India, to Africa, to China. It needs to go to the ends of the earth. ⁠
There are tongues ready to speak for it; there are feet ready to run with it; but who will pay its fare? Have you money and houses and cattle and lands and yet are not helping this helpless gospel on its mission of mercy? Must it fail to reach the people, that you may consume your means for the gratification of the flesh? Might not the money you have spent the past year needlessly have sent the gospel to a number of lost souls?⁠
Oh! pity the poor Bible, which has no tongue, no hands, no feet and no money! How will it reach the lost? Give it your hands, your feet, your tongue, your pocketbook. Behold the countless throngs going down the broad way. Listen to the groans of the lost. Be­ hold your own friends and neighbors and perhaps your own kindred on the way to hell. Can you longer let the gospel be helpless and voiceless? What would you answer the lost in the judgment were they to say to you, “You had the Bible but you did not tell us its truths. You did not carry or send it to us and so we perish?” What will you do to help the Bible to save the world? The time is short. The shades of the evening are falling around us. “The night cometh, when no man can work.”⁠
Heart Talks by C. W. Naylor⁠
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Again, if a tongue be lent it and its message be spoken and repeated again and again, what can it do if it is not believed? It is the power of God in this world only to “them that believe.” If we will not be­lieve it, it can do us no good. It cannot save or com­fort or heal unless it is believed. Will you give it a believing heart? Unless you do, it is absolutely pow­erless to help you. Oh, how helpless is an unbelieved Bible!⁠
And though it have a voice and speak ever so clearly, what can it do if the ears be closed against it? If “having ears, we hear not” but close our minds and hearts against its voice, it will profit us nothing. It can help not the least. Oh, give it a listening ear and heart!⁠
The Bible has no hands. It cannot reach out to the needy nor go about doing good. It cannot clothe the naked nor feed the hungry. Why not give your hands to the gospel’s use that it may be no longer helpless?⁠
It has no feet. It cannot go from place to place but must remain supine wherever it is put. It is a poor “shut-in.” Who will pity its helplessness and give it feet that it may go to the nations?⁠
Heart Talks by C. W. Naylor⁠
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Much has been said about the power of the gos­pel. It is “the power of God unto salvation.” By it, millions have been redeemed, cheered, comforted and inspired. Others have been warned in tones of thun­der to awakened consciences. It has been the great­est civilizer known. But however great its power and influence, however wonderful its accomplishments, there are conditions under which it is pitifully help­ less, under which it can do nothing to help the per­ishing masses. You may take your Bible into a hea­then land or to a race of another language, and though all its truth, its promises and warnings, its light and glory are within its lids, yet it is dumb. It speaks not to them. They perish all around it. They remain in darkness when light is there; heavenly, glorious light. Not a ray reaches them. It is helpless. It is voiceless; it speaks not to them its story of love. In your own home it may lie closed and silent. Visitors come and go, but it helps them not. Your children hear not its voice. Your neighbors receive not its counsel, warn­ings or promises. How helpless it is! Oh, the many dumb Bibles in our land! If they only had tongues, what messages they would speak to the people! You have a tongue. Do you not often use it in a way that is of little profit either to you or to others? The Bible has no tongue to use. Will you lend it yours? Will you let it speak its message with your tongue? Must your neighbors be lost because your Bible has no voice?⁠
Oh brother, sister, let your Bible be no longer dumb. Give it a tongue. There are hearts all around you need­ing its truth. Will you speak for it? A silent and voice­ less Bible—what can be more helpless?⁠
Heart Talks by C. W. Naylor⁠
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Would you have patience? You must have many things to try your patience. Would you have meek­ness? You can obtain it only through endurance. Would you have faith? You must meet and overcome many obstacles. God puts in us latent qualities of good, but these can be brought to view in the solid structure of Christian character only by long and con­ tinued chiseling. “Beloved, think it not strange con­ cerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you.” I Peter 4:12. “Which is to try you”—did you ever notice that? It does not say which may try you or which probably will try you; it says, “Which is to try you.” That signi­fies that it was intended to try you. It was meant for that purpose; it does not come by accident. Trials are necessary. If you are ever to be what God wants you to be, you need trials; you must have them. You can never be strong or patient or meek or brave or possess any other virtue God wants you to have un­ less you stand the test. “Many shall be purified, made white, and tried.” God will do the purifying and He will also see that we get our “trying.” “After that ye have suffered a while,” Peter says, God will “make you perfect, establish, strengthen, settle you.”

Heart Talks by C.W. Naylor

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The great Sculptor sees in every human being, no matter how rough and irregular, great possibilities. Whereas we can see only the exte­rior, He sees the potential image within, with which He would adorn His glorious building above. Man was created in the image of God, but that image is now obscured by sin and its results. And so the Divine Sculptor must do with us as the sculptor did with the stone. He must bring to bear upon us the sharp chisel of circumstances, of disappointment and of trial. It seems that these things will destroy us. It seems that these things are evil and we shrink from them. Some think that God is not just toward them. Some cry out in pain. Some mourn and lament. Some cry to God to stay His hand. And many, oh, how many rebel! They cannot see what it means. They feel that it is all wrong. Sometimes they murmur against God, and their hearts grow bitter, but all the time the Mas­ter Sculptor, with His sharp chisel of pain, is only trying to carve in their natures and characters His own image.
You want to be in His image, do you not? You desire the beautiful lines of righteousness, purity, truth, meekness, faithfulness and kindness to appear in you. You want to be a part of the adornment of the heavenly temple. If you would be not a mere block of stone, without form or beauty but the image of the Creator, you must let pain do her work in you; there is only one way. Christian character comes only through pain. If you shrink and murmur, or if you rebel, that image may be marred forever.
Think not that God will let your life be ruined. He wants you for the adornment of His palace. So when pain comes—the pain of sorrow, of bereavement, of temporal loss, of being reproached and having your name cast out as evil, of being wounded by the tongue of slander—in whatever form pain comes to you, hold still, bear it patiently; it will work out in your life God’s great design.

Heart Talks by C.W. Naylor

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We must be brave for life is a battle. The forces of good and evil are in deadly combat. You cannot avoid having a part in the conflict. You must fight whether you will to do so or not. There will be obstacles to meet no matter where your path may lie. You must overcome them, or they in turn will overcome you.
Do not dream of a time in this life when all your obstacles will be overcome. There is no day so bright, but the darkness follows. There is no ship that sails the sea but must meet the storms. 
Upon you will blow the piercing winds of adverse circumstances. Things will come that you cannot fore­see. Do not shrink before them when they appear. Lift up your head, throw back your shoulders, look them squarely in the face, and with courage born of faith, meet them in the strength God will give you.
Sometimes it may seem that to endure is impos­sible. Your strength may fail, but when you have come to the end of yourself God will add strength, and that added strength will mean victory. Be brave. It is only when you bravely face the foe that you can know the measure of your strength. There can be no defeat to him who will not be defeated. Circumstances may prevail against you for a time, but if you fight man­fully on, the seeming defeat will end in victory.
Napoleon once fought a battle and lost. His troops were driven back. One of his marshals, who with his troops had not arrived in time for the conflict, came up during the retreat. Napoleon said to him, “We have lost the battle.” “It seems so, sire,” was the reply, “but there is still time to fight another.” Encouraged by the words of his marshal, Napoleon rallied his troops, attacked the enemy and won a great victory.
If defeated, never count that defeat final. Attack the foe again, and keep at it till you win. Bravery is a quality of mind and soul. You may be weak in body, you may be timid and shrinking, but if you will, your soul may rise above all this and wax strong in God. Courage is the basis of your strength. It will bring strength from God. But should He give you ever so much strength, only through courage can you make use of it.

Heart Talks by C.W. Naylor

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