People Knowing One Another In Heaven

Question: Will we know one another in heaven, especially husbands and wives? Answer: This question comes up quite often. This questioner is not the only one who would like to…

In My Father’s House

Question: Will you please comment on John 14:1-3 together with I Timothy 3:15? Answer: Yes, I will, to the best of my understanding and ability, by the help of God….

The Destruction of the World

Question: Please comment on II Peter 3:6, which says, “Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished.” Answer: In the first place, let us notice that it…

Heaven and Earth Shall Pass Away

Question: In the light of such scriptures as Revelation 20:11, II Peter 3:7-14, and Mark 13:31, please explain Psalm 104:5, which says, “Who [God] laid the foundations of the earth,…

When Jesus Returns

Question: Will Jesus set His feet on the earth when He comes again.? Answer: According to the way I understand the Scriptures, the answer is “No.” But that will, no…

The Lower Parts of the Earth (Hell)

Question: Often the question is posed, “Where did Jesus go when He died?” When I read Ephesians 4:9, where it says, “…He also descended first into the lower parts of…

The Second Resurrection

Question: I am confused and do not know what the second resurrection is. Answer: The Bible teaches two distinct resurrections and there is a first and a second. John 5:24-29…