Who Is That God?
Author: Vesta-Nadine Robertson Every generation has asked the question: “Who is that God? Does He exist? Will we have anything to do with Him? Why should we have anything to…
The Sabbath Shadow
Author: Lawrence D. Pruitt An advocate of the observance of the Old Testament seventh-day Jewish sabbath has advised us to “throw away Sunday-keeping entirely,” evidently referring to the special observance…
Reverend is His Name
Author: R.K.C Whose name is Reverend? It is striking that the word, “reverend,” is found only once in the Bible, and that in reference to God. It appears in Psalm…
The Rainbow Angel in Revelations
Author: Lawrence D. Pruitt “And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as…
The Holy Ghost His Own Witness in a Soul
Author: J.S. Robinson Much is said these days about the evidence that we have the Holy Ghost. There are many logical deductions given in the Scriptures how we may know…
The Great Memorial Day of the Gospel
Author: H.M. Riggle The two greatest events that ever occurred on earth we have in the gospel. They are the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The salvation of all…
The Battle of that Great Day
Author: L.D. Pruitt (Rev. 16:14) Since the dawn of creation warfare has been in progress between good and evil, God and the devil. Each is in conquest of the affections…
The Origin of Tithing
Author: W.M. Pettigrew, Sr. The true origin of tithing is unknown. We find that it was practiced by both Jew and Gentile at a very early date, but we have…
The Meaning of 7 Churches
Author: Lawrence D. Pruitt Why were the seven churches of Asia Minor selected as the ones to which the Revelation should be dedicated or addressed? (Rev. 1:11). “Does what is…
Once Saved Always Saved
Author: Unknown A sound Bible doctrine will harmonize with all the Scriptures, otherwise the interpretation is wrong and that teaching will be false. In St. John 10, verses 27 to…