A PDF/Kindle library that includes many of the books that were authored by ministers of the Church of God in the early nineteen hundreds. These books were primarily published by the Gospel Trumpet Company and Faith Publishing House.

Most of the books were rebuilt and repaginated for ease of reading. These books may contain some grammatical and/or theological inaccuracies but are preserved for historical value and the spiritual edification of the body of Christ.

The PDFs can be viewed online by clicking the cover of the book. Once open, they can be downloaded and opened in a browser or with Adobe Acrobat Reader. Many of the books have bookmarks and the indexes are hyperlinks. Some of the scanned books are large files and will operate better when saved to your personal device. Some books are formatted for Kindle and can be downloaded under the “Kindle (.mobi)” column.These files can then be opened with your Kindle device.

***These books are not for resale. Many of the images are copyright protected.
***To our knowledge the content of these works is public domain.

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Church of God Books

PDF / DownloadTitleAuthorKindle (.mobi)/ DownloadPublishedCategoryPagesSummary
A Fundamental Difference Shoot, W. H. n.d. History 48 Points of difference between the Gospel Trumpet people and the Church of God circa 1913.
A Hive of Busy Bees Williams, Effie M. 1931 Children (Story) 132 Enriching character stories for children.
A Letter To Youth Turner, Wayne n.d. Autobiography 20 A warning to youth from a man on death row.
A LOOK at the ORIGIN and FRUIT of GOODNIGHTS REVELATION TEACHINGS Sorrell, Harlan 2022 Revelation 150 History and fallacies of the "Seven Church Ages" teaching.
A Missionary's Experiences in Mexico Sheppard, Carrie n.d. Missions 72 Selected stories and letters written while on the mission field in Mexico.
A Religious Controversy Orr, Charles E. 1918 Doctrine (Story) 120 A vivid explanation of doctrinal truth through a supposed conversation.
A Saloonkeeper's Daughter Saved Mackey, Bertha n.d. Salvation (Story) 16 A booklet of a young girl's shocking experiences in a convent.
A Sketch of My Life Hall, W. B. n.d. Autobiography 120 A young man's experiences of murder, prison life, conversion and much more.
A True Story In Allegory Jarvis, Lottie 1920 Christian Living 44 An allegory on the dangers of hypocrisy.
Adoniram Judson: Apostle of Burma Percy, L. Helen 1926 Biography 112 Biography of Adoniram Judson.
Adventures in the Land of Canaan Berry, Robert Lee 1924 Sanctification 108 An instructive allegory of true-to-life experiences in sanctification.
An Appeal to Reason Peek, George n.d. Revelation 76 Scriptural truth on the myth of a millennial reign.
Around Old Bethany Berry, R. L. 1925 Christian Living 88 A true-to-life narrative setting forth salvation and other Bible doctrines.
Ask What I Shall Give Thee Scanlan, Ada n.d. Salvation 36 Lessons from the account of blind Bartimaeus.
Availing Prayer Martin, Fay Kindle Book 1929 Christian Living 148 A call to individual and collective revival through prevailing prayer.
Beautiful Girlhood (Internet Archives scan) Hale, Mabel 1922 Youth 234 Encouragement and instruction for young teen girls.
Beautiful Stories From the Good Old Book (LOC scan) Byrum, Isabel C. 1904 Children (Story) 328 Bible stories for children.
Behind the Prison Bars (scan) Byrum, E. E. 1901 Challenge 154 A reminder of our duties toward those who have been cast into prison.
Beyond the Tomb (scan) Riggle, H. M. 1929 Doctrine 292 Man—His nature, present, and future.
Bible Chain of Truth Miles, A. Marie Kindle Book n.d. Children 216 Bible doctrines made clear for youth.
Bible Humility Byers, J. W. Kindle Book n.d. Christian Living 48 The riches of a life of humility and submission before God.
Bible Proofs of the Second Work of Grace Warner, D. S. 1880 Doctrine 424 Entire sanctification as a distinct experience, subsequent to justification.
Bible Readings for Bible Students Speck, Samuel L. & Riggle, H. M. 1902 Bible Study 436 Scripture references and comments on many Bible subjects.
Bible Readings for Bible Students (LOC scan) Speck, Samuel L. & H. M. Riggle 1902 Bible Study 442 Scripture references and comments on many Bible subjects.
Biblical Nuggets Wilkins, Brenda & Sorrell, Nelda 2010 Christian Living 356 Essays on how to be Godly wives and mothers in a modern world.
Showing 1 to 25 of 216 entries