A compilation of free printable reading plans to fit
many styles and preferences. Below is a description of the Bible Reading Plans you can print out from this pdf.
Bible Reading Plan Generator
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Duration: You decide | Online: Bible Reading Plan Generator
One Year Plans
52 Week Bible Reading Plan
Read through the Bible in a year with each day of the week dedicated to a different genre: epistles, the law, history, Psalms, poetry, prophecy, and Gospels. Download: PDF
Classic Yearly Plan—3 Daily Readings
Read three type of writings daily. Bookmarks also available at the website on the bottom of the page of the printable. Download: PDF
5x5x5 New Testament Bible Reading Plan
Read through the New Testament in a year, reading Monday to Friday. Weekends are set aside for reflection and other reading. Especially beneficial if you’re new to a daily discipline of Bible reading. Download: PDF
Tabletalk Bible Reading Plan
Two readings each day, one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament. Download: PDF
Chronological Bible Reading Plan
Read through the Bible in the order the events occurred chronologically. Download: PDF
The Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan
Four daily readings beginning in Genesis, Psalms, Matthew and Acts. Download: PDF
Book-at-a-Time Bible Reading Plan
Two daily readings, one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament. Complete an entire book in each testament before moving on. Download: PDF
4 Daily Readings Bible Reading Plan
Four daily readings taken from four lists: Psalms and wisdom literature, Pentateuch and history of Israel, Chronicles and prophets, and Gospels and epistles. Download: PDF
Historical Bible Reading Plan
The Old Testament readings are similar to Israel’s Hebrew Bible, and the New Testament readings are an attempt to follow the order in which the books were authored. Download: PDF
Straight Through the Bible Reading Plan
Read straight through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Download: PDF
The Legacy Reading Plan
This plan does not have set readings for each day. Instead, it has set books for each month and a set number of Proverbs and Psalms for each week. It aims to give you more flexibility while grounding you in specific books of the Bible. Download: PDF
Monthly Bookmarks One Year Plan
Print out bookmarks for each month to make tracking your progress easy. Download: PDF
Three Year Plan
Read through the Bible one chapter at a time. Readings alternate between the Old and New Testaments.
Duration: Three years Download: PDF
Two-Year Bible Reading Plan
Read the Old and New Testaments once and Psalms and Proverbs four times.
Duration: Two years Download: PDF