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Jefferson, Oregon, 14810 Skelton Rd., Jefferson, OR, 97352
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Oregon Revival Meeting: October 21-25, 2020.

All are welcome to join the Gladstone and Jefferson, OR congregations in a joint meeting.

Services will be held in Gladstone, OR on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Venue: Gladstone Community Club. 255 E Exeter St, Gladstone, OR 97027.

Services will be held at the chapel in Jefferson, OR on Thursday and Friday.
Venue: Jefferson Chapel. 14810 Skelton Rd. Jefferson, OR 97352.

Wed-Fri Services: 7:30 p.m.;
Saturday Service: 7:00 p.m.;
Sunday Service: 10:15 a.m.;

Lord willing, Bro. Don Elwell will be ordained during the Saturday evening service.

For more information, call:

Ken Elwell (360) 608-2555
Clifford Smith (503) 559-3262
Don Elwell (503) 754-0585


October 21, 2020
October 25, 2020